Monday, October 19, 2009

Belonging to Earth: Esalen 2009

Cone Peak, 5155 feet high (click on photo to enlarge)

Diversity... this is the word that comes to mind as I reflect on our rich time together. From the Pacific Ocean to the top of Cone Peak; from Redwood forests of all sizes to the rare Santa Lucia Firs; from varied life experiences, physical abilities, and ages to the shared awe in the beauty of nature as it unfolds. I so appreciated how easily we came together and held space for each person in our group.

To view photo of our group: Belonging to Earth Photos
To veiw as a slide show: Belonging to Earth Slideshow

And, just for fun... to watch a YouTube video I made with some friends about the Pygmy Redwood Forest click here: Journey Into the Wilds (click on the HQ icon to watch with better resolution)

We packed a lot into our week. I hope that the richness of our experience lives on in your heart of hearts. You now know the Big Sur in ways that many long-time residents do not... I hope we all deepen our belonging to ourselves and this earth.

With love,

P.S. Here is a link to an experiment I spoke about our last evening at Meditation House. Both George (from our group) and I are often “there” in the mornings.


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