Saturday, September 15, 2012: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Art of Pilgrimage: Walking the Wild Path
Green Gulch Zen Center
with Steven Harper and Jeremy Levie

Most of the world's spiritual traditions include some form of pilgrimage. Although not often taught in the West, Buddhism also includes such a practice. This retreat will be a contemporary pilgrimage, exploring the ancient art of walking. While pilgrimage is often from one place to another, we will end at the very place we begin, celebrating the sacred aspect of the journey itself. We will begin at Green Gulch with an introduction to the basic principles of sitting meditation (zazen) and walking practice (kinhin). Much of the day will be spent mindfully hiking trails in the wilds of Marin (3-6 miles in length), moving between silence, instruction, and informal discussion. This is a contemplative journey where each step is the goal. Please bring a bag lunch. Further information and a waiver will be sent upon registration.

Registration: Call toll free: 888.743.9362 or local number 415.475.9362.
Online registration: Art of Pilgrimage, September 15th 2012

Click here to learn more about Green Gulch Zen Center

Green Gulch Zen Center Coast Trail
From Green Gulch Zen Center the nearby Coast Trail with San Franciso in the background.

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